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Study Visit Hosted to Chongqing, China
Date : 2025-01-11

Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE) hosted an eight-day study visit to Chongqing, China, from January 4 to 11, 2025, led by Mr. Hin Simhuon, Vice Executive Director and Mr. Ul Run, Operation Manager of the New Generation School Initiative (NGSI), and has partnered with Chongqing Dongxueji Culture Communication Co. Ltd through the China Literature and Art Foundation and the One Belt and One Road Initiative Special Fund.
The purpose of this visit is as follows:
1. Learn about the best practices and good experiences from some Chinese schools and universities, such as: Southwest University High School Affiliated to southwest University and Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications.
2. Build good cooperation between the New Generation School Initiative (NGSI) and some schools in Chongqing City to organize short-term exchange programs, the study visits and short training courses for future teachers.
3. signed a memorandum of understanding between the new generation schools and some universities in Chongqing.
The study visit was attended by the technical staff of KAPE and the New Generation School Initiative and the directors of the 7 new generation schools, including: Prek Leap High School, Samdech Akka Thom PhorThisal Chea Sim Prek Anchanh, Hun Sen, Peam Chi Kang High School Hun Sen Kampong Cham High School, Preah Ang Duong, Kok Pring High Schools and Aranya Raingsey Secondary School.
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