News & Events

Scholarship Rewarding Ceremony​ for the Poor Students

Date : 2015-05-19
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On 18-20 May 2015, Beacon School Initiative (BSI), which supported by Oaktree Foundation, provided the second step scholarships to students who studied at Aknuwat Secondary School, Hun Sen Skun high school and Samdech Me high school.

These scholarship materials included notebooks and blue pens. The first step scholarship distribution, each target student received 15 notebooks and 7 blue pens but the second step, each target student received 5 notebooks and 3 blue pens. The scholarship material distribution was an important part of BSI activities to facilitate the students' learning materials. BSI has provided the students with real practical activities to implement the Life Skills program (growing vegetables, corns, mushrooms,...etc.). The students can use their Life Skills to help their family understand about the social issues, safe migrations and how to make extra incomes by growing vegetables at home.

The BSI seeks to establish multiple development tracks for state schools based on their develompmental readiness to utilize technical assisance. The project not only provides sophisticated technical inputs to selected schools with high potential for development but also stesses specialized governnce sructures that ensure evective adnd accountabel use of these resources as well as performance-based pay for teachers, based on specific extra tasks that school personnel perform (e.g., organzizing special projects involving constructivist learnings, providing career counseling, advising school clubs, etc.). This two-track development approach introduces a model of Public Private Partnership in the management of three public schools by the POEYS in close collaboration with a local non-state actor (NSA) (i.e., KAPE).

The students felt very happy that they received their learning materials to alleviate their poverty because they were from the poor families who were selected to get scholarship.





Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





