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Learning Style
Students Learning Preferences |
Concrete examples for teaching |
Kinetic People with the kinesthetic learning style learn best by doing: moving around and handling physical objects. They like to explore the outdoors, are often very coordinated, may excel in athletics and performing arts, and usually express their feelings physically, such as with hugging and hitting. They prefer trying new skills for themselves rather than being given directions or shown a demonstration. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods of time and struggle with reading and spelling. |
Visual People with a visual learning style absorb information by seeing it in front of them and storing the images in their brains. They often enjoy reading, have good handwriting, are very detail-oriented, are organized, and have a keen awareness of colors and shapes. They tend to struggle with verbal directions and are easily distracted by noise. They remember people’s faces better than their names, and they often need to maintain eye contact with a person to concentrate on a conversation.
Verbal-Audio Verbal language is the prime form for exchanging information for those within the auditory learning style. They learn best by hearing and speaking. They often talk more than the average person, are very social, enjoy hearing stories and jokes, understand concepts by talking about them, and may excel in music or the performing arts. Some auditory learners read slowly and have trouble writing, struggle to follow written directions, and have a tough time staying quiet for long stretches of time. They remember names and recognize tone of voice well, while not always remembering people’s faces. They often hum or sing, and they may whisper to themselves while reading.
Introverted Introverted people are territorial – desire private space and time Are happy to be alone – they become tired around large groups of people. Act cautiously in meeting people Are reserved and quiet. Do not share private thoughts with just anyone will have a few very close friends See reflection as very important Concentrate well and deeply Become absorbed in thoughts and ideas Limit their interests but explore deeply Get agitated and irritated without enough time alone or undisturbed
Extroverted Are social – they need other people Demonstrate high energy and noise Communicate with excitement and enthusiasm with almost anyone in the vicinity Engage in lots of activities and have many interest areas Have many best friends and talk to them for long periods of time Draw energy from people. Are lonely and restless when not with people Establish multiple fluid relationships Share personal information easily
Whichever model of learning styles is used, psychologists agree that almost no one falls neatly into only one learning style. People may be categorized into one, but their various traits can apply to others—or they may have a secondary learning style that works for them significantly better than another. For example, a student may be primarily a visual learner, have some skills for auditory learning, and have no skill for learning kinesthetically.
Additionally, some psychologists have proposed that all children are primarily kinesthetic learners until second or third grade, only developing other learning styles when their education becomes more rigorous.
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