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An exposure visit at Burapha University in Thailand

Date : 2014-08-20
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On 04th-06th August 2014, in good collaboration between KAPE and universities in Thailand, 10 outstanding Cambodia Tertiary Scholarship Program (CTSP) scholars studying in year 4 in the major of finance and banking, accounting and management at Western university in Kampong Cham province,~ Cambodia had opportunity to conduct a study tour and facilitated by KAPE staff to a Burapha university in Thailand which is another ASEAN country so that they can improve their perspectives about life in another country and how youth in other countries are preparing themselves for ASEAN integration, which is scheduled to begin in 2015. The objectives of the study tour to Thailand include 1) to inspire the outstanding CTSP scholars to take action to change their local and global communities; 2) to broaden their knowledge and skills by learning from well-educated students in a more developed ASEAN country; 3) to empower the outstanding students by seeing and learning about the high standards of education in Thailand and 4) to connect the CTSP scholars with peers and provide opportunities to them to work together with some of ASEAN Nation members.


During the 3days visit, the CTSP scholars could learn about university management,curriculum, financial management system, career development activities both soft and hard skill, and some businesses to earn incomes to support university such as hospital, canteen, dormitory, and tourist site (Submarine Aquarium). In addition, the scholars were able to visit various places organized by university including a seven floor library which it has around 40,000 books(90% Thai language and 10% in other language). It is a comfortable place or space where students could learn and research there. Fun learning activity(DVD, cinema etc). Another visit, we went to computer lab where it was remarkable on a recording lecturers’ session for students who wish to learnagain from the lecturers’ sessions. This recording system could help slow learning and absent students to re-study.


The last day, our CTSP scholars met with 12 Cambodian scholars funded by princess of Thailand to study in Burapha university to share information on applying scholarship to study in Thailand such as bachelor, master and PhD and also shared about learning experiences there. After the visit, the scholars committed to a)apply scholarship to study in Thailand for Master Degree: Many students will apply for government scholarship opportunity to study in Thailand for their master degree next year; b) build network with Cambodian students studying in Thailand on job opportunity or social development skills; c) keep the dormitory clean by enhancing management dormitory role; and d) conduct presentation on Exposure visit to Burapha University to other university students.




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