News & Events

IBEC held Project Work Fair

Date : 2013-06-11
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The Improved Basic Education in Cambodia (IBEC) Project, which is funded by USAID and implemented by World Education (WE) in close collaboration with KAPE, held project work fairs in its three-target provinces: Kratie, Kampong Cham and Siem Reap from 3 June 2013 to 7 June 2013, to learn about the experience and achievements of the target schools. About 700 students were invited to take part in a presentation competition and perform dances and plays based on their new experience since project interventions started. The students involved had chosen to join a variety of school clubs including Science, Writing, Arts, History, Painting, English, and so on in order to improve their studies.  Students expressed their appreciation of the new activities that have been introduced through support from IBEC. These have helped them to get practice in new ways of cooperation, research, working in groups and practice life skills at schools and in their homes. Some students said that they felt it had made them feel braver and more aware of domestic and local issues. They said that IBEC had brought great opportunities for poor students to have presentation competitions and improve their knowledge.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





