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KAPE Innovative Programming Profiled by ACFID

Date : 2014-05-06
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KAPE has been collaborating with its partners represented on the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) to develop case studies of successful programming in development that brings 'game changing' innovations to the educational system.~ KAPE has been working with Oaktree Foundation and World Education to develop these profiles. Two projects were selected for the profiles including the Beacon School Initiative (BSI), which pioneers Public Private Partnership approaches to raising educational quality in Cambodia and the Total Reading Approach for Children Project (TRAC), which focuses on a comprehensive approach to improve reading tool skills in the early grades in Cambodian classrooms, including mobile learning, reading benchmarks, and a rapid response system for struggling readers. Both projects have stimulated new thinking among policy makers and development partners and will have an impact far beyond their current geographical scope. In May 2014, ACFID completed the publication of its case study profiles. A total of 19 projects were profiled worldwide, including the two developed by KAPE, a great honor for our agency and one that brings much deserved recognition to our committed staff members. ACFID is hopeful that these case studies will convince the Australian government to consider diverting more development assistance to NGOs as a means to promote both innovation and positive social change.

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