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Launching Ceremony on Khmer Digital Literacy Resource Pack

Date : 2023-10-23
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On October 23, 2023, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Meta and KAPE jointly hosted the launching ceremony on Khmer Digital Literacy Resource Pack (KDLP) for using in the new generation schools presided over by Lok Chumteav Kim Sethany, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, with a total of 50 participants including Technical Team of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Technical Team, School Directors and 12 teacher trainers from the six new generation schools, representatives of Meta company and KAPE technical team.


Khmer Digital Literacy Programme (KDLP) is one of the WeThinkDigital initiatives developed by Meta (Facebook) in 2019 to help develop the skills we need to create responsible digital citizens – critical thinking, empathy, and digital discourse. KDLP is a one-year programme aimed at rationalizing and improving the ICT curriculum for lower secondary levels in New Generation Schools (NGS). The programme will provide students with fundamental skills related to digital literacy through training and workshops using the curriculum of WeThinkDigital.


Dr. Heng Pheakdey, the Director of Public Policy in Cambodia on behalf of Meta, said, "Meta focuses on digital literacy programme because it is an important foundation in today's digital education context. Students should have already acquired digital literacy skills from the lower secondary school level and they can apply for their workplace and contribute to the country development. With cooperation with KAPE to compile Khmer Digital Literacy Resource Pack is an key achievement. We would believe that this piloting pack will include key inputs such as challenges, difficulties, and feedback for further improvement; particularly, the program will produce additional resource packs to be extending.


 “Funded from Meta really reflects the active participation of the private sector in supporting education reform in response to the Cambodian digital economy. Therefore, teachers will receive new methods and knowledge in addition to more Khmer digital literacy programme materials for teaching and learning, very importantly, the students will gain clear digital literacy knowledge to use in this technology era,” said Mr. Sao Vanna, KAPE’s Executive Director.


Lok Chumteav Kim Sethany said, “In the 7th mandate of the Royal Government of Cambodia under the leadership of Samdech Maha Bovor Thepdey Hun Manet, the educational sector is considered one of the priority areas of the key reforms of the Royal Government of Cambodia. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport pays attention and focuses on the quality of education from preschools to secondary schools, to do how to cultivate soft skills, hard skills, attitude education, morals and ethics to be able to become full citizens or human resources for developing the country. Particularly, knowledge related to technology (ICT)." She appreciated and congratulated the team with support from Meta that have achieved and reaching the official launch of this Khmer Digital Literacy Resource Pack as part of the promotion of digital education in Cambodia.


The launching Khmer Digital Literacy Resource Pack was enhancing good cooperation between Meta, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and KAPE.


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Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





