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Poor Cambodian Girls Changed

Date : 2015-05-04
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The 114 scholarship students, who are from the poor, getbetter changed after they have been intervened by Cambodian TertiaryScholarship Program (CTSP), funded by The Asia Foundation and implemented byKampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE) to provide them withopportunities to continue studying at university in Kampong Cham.


There are 90% employed at the different institutionsincluding ACLEDA Bank Plc., Amret Mircofiance Institute, AMK MicrofinanceInstitute, KREDIT Microfinance Institute Plc., Phnom Srey Organization forDevelopment, Moon River Guesthouse & Restaurant, Provincial Department ofElectricity of Kampong Cham, PRASAC Microfinance Institute, SATHAPANA Limited, HATTHAKAKSEKAR Limited, KAPE, VisionFundCambodia, Prudential Corporation Asia, Siem Company, C.T.M.I-Giffarine CambodiaCo., Ltd., District Office of Koh Sotin Women’s Affairs, Clerk of theProvincial Court, Assistant to Takeo Parliamentarian, Section Head in Indochina Garment Factory, CINTRI(Cambodia) Ltd, Lida Org, Elite (Cambodia) Co. Ltd., Cambodia Asia Bank(Kampong Cham), CHAMROEUN Microfinance Limited, Vivat Business DevelopmentAgency, Kampong Cham National Radio and Krousar Rong Roeung organization.


KAPE does not just helpthe poor girls get higher educated and employed but KAPE still follows up allof its scholarship students who have already had jobs. KAPE assigns its keystaff to visit all institutes that employ its scholarship students. After visitingand interviewing at those institutes, we have found that CTSP’s students getmuch better changed since they have started to work because they can competeagainst students from other areas.


Most of the institutionsgave us the feedback that CTSP students are very actived, smart, diligent andvery patient in their work. At the beginning of their work, their co-workers feelnot smooth with them but after a few months they changed their feelings tocooperate with CTSP students to work more dynamically.


Due to Cambodian is developing, those institutes appeal for bothinternational and national donors to support the poor children especially thepoor girls to have opportunities to get educated in order to eliminate thepoverty in Cambodia. The more we pay attention to develop education the more weget easier to speed up the policy implementation of eliminate the povertythroughout the country. The good resource to develop Cambodia effectively andsustainably is to improve education through developing young human resources.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





