News & Events

Positively Changed Impacts of GEI

Date : 2015-06-24
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On the 10-17 June 2015, the Girls’ Education Initiative (GEI)project funded by the Oaktree Foundation implemented by the Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE) invited relevant stakeholders from Provincial Employment Agency (PEA), Provincial Training Centre (PTC), Kredit Micro Finance Institution (MFI) and Western University to provide speech at 9 high schools in Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum province which there were 1177 (720 girls) from grade 9-12 attended the meeting. The speech was to focus on sharing information on opportunity to attend technical skill training courses before entering labor market, to choose the right major to study at university and to drop Curriculum Vitae (CV) at employment agency.


The speech of the quest speakers were significant to motivate students to make their best option whether they would continue higher education or attend technical skills so they could make decision where to go and what to study while they were in school or after graduation.


The students who were from poor families could receive loans from Kredit MFI with very low interest rate to support their study at university or vocational study. The students would allow to return loan after their six months graduation. Students who did not want to get higher education,they were able to register for vocational study (construction, mechanic, hairdressing, sewing, electronic, marketing, graphic design etc.) free of charge at Provincial Training Centre (PTC) based in Kampong cham province.




Many students were interested in vocational study, and some students were intended to study there.A student expressed his great thanks to the guest speakers who provided him as well as the presence of students at Sandek high school to participate and to get enough information as he could go and seek for.  He suggested to conduct this event in his school again.

In short, the students gained good experiences, knowledge and skills from guest speakers and they also received good recommendations related to taking advantage of attending training courses, job opportunities, loans and study at university.






Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





