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Training for new life skills teachers on the P.A.C.E. curriculum

Date : 2024-03-27
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Life Skills Learning for Adolescent Girls Project (LSLAG) hosted its training for new life skills teachers on the "P.A.C.E. curriculum" under the auspices of life skills trainers at 12 different locations in 12 provinces, including Mondulkiri, Pursat, Battambang, Siem Reap, Svay Rieng, Kampong Speu, Kratie, Sihanoukville, Stung Treng, Ratanakkiri, Kampot and Takeo provinces with 68 sub-high schools that there were 175 participants (81 females) from February 16 to March 5, 2024, with a two-day training.


This training focuses on key points as follows:

- demonstrate on mind map teaching methods, role play methods of teaching activities and case studies, collaborative teaching methods (Gallery walk teaching and photo tutorials tips)

- Reflect on teaching methods linked to the learning pyramid

- Demonstrate on P.A.C.E. curriculum

- Demonstrate the use P.A.C.E manuals for adolescent and adult girls

- pilot P.A.C.E. curriculum for adolescent girls, Module 1, Chapter 3, Lesson 5, “People and Objects,” and for adult girls, Modul 1, chart 3, Lesson 10, “Effective Communication” during the training


 “This training is great because there are new teaching methods with active learning activities. I am more understanding of using the P.A.C.E. curriculum, which is beneficial for girls because they are more aware of physical, emotional, and reproductive changes in adolescence. I want to thank KAPE for leading this training and hope to continue to provide such great training to more teachers,” Mrs. Khun Chakriya, a teacher from Trapeang Chhouk Secondary School, Kampong Speu Province, said.


 “I am delighted to participate in the P.A.C.E. curriculum, get new teaching methods from the project, and share experiences related to teaching and learning with other participants. P.A.C.E. will give the girls a chance to be prepared in advance for physical changes,” Mrs. Keo Saren, a teacher from Rattanak Mondul Secondary School, Battambang Province, said,


The LSLAG project was funded by Gap Inc., which builds the skills, confidence, resources, and plans of adolescent girls in the future effectively about the physical, mental, and social transition that have important implications for outcomes in adulthood. 




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





