Current Projects
Improved Employability of Better Skilled Youth in Cambodia and for Work-Migrating Youth Project (BMZ-REACH IV)
Project Description:
REACH I programming completed its three-year program cycle in June 2015. The project underwent an external evaluation and the results were quite positive - with significant improvements in retention and educational quality, especially life skills education and teacher capacity building.
At the invitation of WeWorld, KAPE prepared a proposal for REACH II for a three year extension (2015 – 2018) to consolidate gains in schools in Svay Rieng and Prey Veng and expand the integrated programming model developed to two new provinces -- Kampong Chhnang and Pursat.
The current phase of project programming will include a policy component that will help the Ministry introduce electronic EGRA testing which will increase validity and reliability of data dealing with student learning outcomes.
REACH II’s objective is to enhance numeracy, literacy, and life skills knowledge through integrated strategies that promote improved learning environments, both in the school and at home within the four target provinces.
REACH II will retain an integrated approach taking in multi-dimensional programming in access; educational quality; health & safety; community engagement, and good governance. There will be a greater focus on early grade reading and numeracy using recent KAPE innovations in the development of literacy toolkits, M-learning, and assessment-driven learning outside of the classroom. The project will continue to introduce technology for literacy to selected schools with high governance levels. The project will also include rigorous testing, e.g., EGRA, to generate empirical evidence of impact as well cost-benefit analyses.
Target Group:
Children from preschools to grade 6 in 50 primary schools in 10 districts in four provinces: Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kampong Chhnang and Pursat.
Main Activities of REACH II:
- Reinforced mechanisms to leverage school entrance at the correct age in those schools with an overage enrolment problem in the project’s four target provinces
- Support pre-primary school in four target provinces including teaching and learning material, classroom renovation, exposure visit and teaching methodology.
- REACH will provide capacity building support on teaching methodologies to all target schools in the areas of improved quality of teaching and learning environments as well as increased technical knowledge
- Parents and community members will be informed and actively engaged in children’s learning processes
- Provide training to school management team and measures of Good Governance that include multiple aspects including transparency, financial management, accountability, and data management improve at all levels (school level, cluster level and districts levels.
- Provide technology devices to target schools and Districts of Education to manage data, information and use to evaluate student learning.
- MoEYS policy development will be supported and influenced by research papers and best practices from the project
Supported by
Primary Schools
High Schools
Higher Education Institutions