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A study tour of donors in Kratie province

Date : 2023-06-20
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After more than two years of Easy2Learn (E2L) project implementation at target schools in Kratie province, seven primary and two annex schools have changed new faces of human education that brought the attention to attract donor to visit. This was an effective activity of school development plans. The project outcomes, which have been presented through the results of the target school implementations, influenced its donor to want to see. Learn and experience real facts.


Svay Chek and Sandan 1 are ones of the project target schools were hosting a donor visit for Mr. Prashant Verma, the country director of ChildFund Cambodia, who was accompanied by District Office of Education, Youth and Sport of Sambou, school management committees, school directors, teachers, and students. The donor learned and experienced the school implementations including positive changes and challenges.


After meeting school directors, teachers, school management committees, students, local authorities and relevant stakeholders, the delegates learned, understood, experienced the school development in progress, positive outcomes, challenges and setting up the school development plans. Meanwhile, the teaching and learning methods, environmental and classroom management, library activities, book utilizations, student activities, and book lists were presented and reflected. The delegates also learned more when they visited bio-gardens, Child Friendly School, and joined together to keep the school campus green by planting trees.


Mr. Prashant showed his impression that “he is happy to see new outcomes in the school, good environment, and strong commitment of school directors. This is because of the effort and participation from teachers, school management committee, and students​ as well as having technical support from KAPE’s staff.”


E2L is an integrated project design resulting in a multi-dimensional approach to school development to improve the quality of primary education for all children in Sambour and Ou Kreang Senchay district, Kratie province. It has impacted on the nine target schools and has made students, teachers, directors, school management committees and parents feel proud of the schools in progress. E2L consists of several key activities to improve access and retention of eligible primary school-aged girls and boys with and without a disability in target primary schools. It has improved school environments and teaching and learning in accordance with Child Friendly School policy in target schools especially it has built the teachers’ and school directors’ capacity in teaching and leading. The E2L project strengthened school leadership and management to insure increased accountability, ownership, and gender.


Seeing many achievements during the school visit on 20 June 2023, the delegates and school management exchanged with each other the impressions and lessons learnt after the project interventions both financial and technical support. This would be bringing more attention to consider about present and future school development.


The Easy2Learn​​ project has been implemented by KAPE with financial support from ChildFund Korea since December 2021.

#E2L, #kapeprojects




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





