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CTSP Held a Workshop on Magic Ladder to Success

Date : 2013-08-13
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The Cambodian Tertiary Scholarship Program (CTSP), held a workshop on “The Magic Ladder to Success” on 12 August 2013 in Kampong Cham, which 80 CTSP students attended.


Din Somethearith, co-founderof the Frangipani Villa Hotel Group, and The Plumeria Spa, was invited to deliver a presentation. He shared various experiences relating to how to start a successful business from zero. During the workshop, he gave the CTSP students20 successful tips for improving their skills and knowledge especially the ways to manage oneself and the different aspects of being SMART and HONEST. He also told CTSP students about the variety of job opportunities there would be with his company, which they can apply for after they graduate.


CTSP students expressed how pleased they were with the presentation as they learned a lot about how to start a small business for the first time, about opportunities to get scholarships to study abroad and they showed their commitment to improve their skills and goals. They also found out about where they could find employment as well as internships.


The CTSP project is supported by the Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation and a number of small private donors through The Asia Foundation, and implemented by KAPE.




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