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Parent Meeting Activities Conducted at TRAC III’s New Generation Preschool

Date : 2022-12-06
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There are three parent meetings per year, the first at the beginning of the year, the second at the middle of the year, and the third at the end of the year. The meeting aimed to produce a brief report of students’ study outcomes, previous year achievements and student statistics, teachers, classrooms, new academic year, a brief history of project implementation, introduction to preschool learning aids, the benefits of reading, and the effects of illiteracy, highlight the development of children, the importance of participating in school activities, discussion of processing classroom renovations and furnishings and explanation of room maintenance and school facilities after a clean classroom existed.


The second meeting highlighted the importance of being an adult to the child, the relationship between the school and the parents in order to increase the good relationship with the parents and what the teachers should do, the parent (or guardian) roles, the involvement of the parents at home, the importance of brain development at the first stages, the activities that parents and child carers should not do and should do. The things that parents and child carers should do are the learning aids to play with their children at home, group discussions, and practice learning aids with their children.


The third meeting was to showcase the abilities of the children (singing and gestures, reading consonants and numbers, and wording competitions). Another highlight has been a joint learning aid between the children and guardians, learning aid competitions of the children’s team, child enthusiasm for their teachers and guardians, and certificate graduation of appreciation for outstanding children, children involving and helping do school activities, child-to-child, and discussions about helping children at home on school vacation.


The meetings aimed to allow parents to know what the school has done, the importance of parent involvement, teaching their children at home, early childhood development, and the parent, teacher and community roles.


The TRAC III project has been implemented at preschools in six primary schools, including Boeung Trav, Taing Srey, Neakta Sneung in Kampong Cham province and Cheas, Roka Porbram and Kra Ngoung in in Tbaung Khum province.


This meeting was conducted based on the purpose of the TRAC III project, which aims to promote children’s acquisition of essential early-grade reading skills through an approach that focuses on the totality of the child’s learning environment, including classroom learning and assessment as well as parental reinforcement.




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