Current Projects

Easy2Learn (E2L) - Kratie

Project Update:


The Easy2Learn Project first started as a pilot program in 2015 in Svay Rieng Province and has experienced multiple extensions to other provinces. E2L uses an integrated project design resulting in a multi-dimensional approach to development. At the request of Child Fund, KAPE is now providing technical support for a new iteration of E2L in Kratie Province that started in 2021. The project and its design have continued to receive praise and support as one of KAPE’s best projects. The current project in Kratie includes many elements of the original pilot and builds on 5 years of experience. It also reinforces and harmonizes very well with MoEYS’ Child Friendly School Policy, which also advocates for a multi-dimensional approach to development.


Nevertheless, the current iteration of E2L differs from the original pilot in important ways. First, this is a self-implementing project with collaborative support from MoEYS’ technical departments (e.g., Primary Education Department).  Secondly, the project includes many elements of distance education to address ‘learning loss’ caused by the Covid19 Pandemic, which was not an issue in the original pilot.


The E2L project in Kratie has recently been reconfigured to now include 7 primary schools (increased from 6 previously) as well as 2 annex schools. The project’s management structure has also been shifted to KAPE from other local partners to help intensify educational technical support.


Key activities this year have followed a process of normalization as the Covid19 Pandemic recedes into distant memory. Years 3 implementation has, therefore, returned to activities that are focused on long-term capacity-building and sustained improvements in learning outcomes. Normalized activities of this sort promote improved educational quality, school-based mentoring/coaching, and school-based management to promote school accountability and autonomy.


Main Goal:


Improved quality of primary education for all children in Sambour District, Kratie Province.

Outcome 1: Access to primary education for all school-aged girls and boys with and without a disability in target areas is increased.

Outcome 2: Learning outcomes of children are increased.

Outcome 3: School-based management & governance is strengthened and becomes increasingly participatory, gender and disability inclusive aware, and accountable to the communities it serves.


Key Activities:


  • Improved access and retention of eligible primary school-aged girls and boys with and without a disability in target primary schools.
  1. School mapping and enrollment campaigns conducted in all target schools to identify school-age and vulnerable children.

  2. Needs-based support provided to economically vulnerable and disabled children.

  3. Community based education services provided to children in school catchment villages during Covid19.


  • Improved school environments and teaching and learning in accordance with Child-Friendly School policy in target schools.
  1. Classroom learning environments enhanced and teaching and learning materials provided.

  2. Primary teachers and school directors in target schools trained on child-friendly school teaching methodology.

  3. School libraries established as flexible learning spaces to help promote habits of reading.


  • General Capacity Building
  1. Training on ICT in education and technical support provided to teachers, school directors and relevant staff to use ICT in the learning process.
  2. Training teachers and school managers in ways to promote early grade literacy & numeracy.
  3. Strengthening the system within the school to address learning loss.
  4. Formative (e.g., interval tests) and summative assessments regularly
  • School leadership and management are strengthened to ensure increased accountability, ownership and gender responsiveness.
  1. School-based Management training workshops
  2. School Improvement Planning by SMCs and with supportive training..


Target Group


Children in Grades 1 to 6 in 7 primary schools and 2 annex schools in Sambour and Ou Krieng Senchey districts in Kratie province.


Funded by

ChildFund Korea & ChildFund Cambodia








Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





