Current Projects
E-Books for Khmer (E4K)
Project Description:
E-Books for Khmer (E4K) adopts a technology-based approach for mother tongue instruction and reading materials to improve the reading scores of young Cambodian children.
One of 15 projects globally that was selected out of over 250 applicants from around the world, the E4K project has been operational in Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum since the mid-January 2015.​ There are four programmatic pillars in the project that center around the development of e-books. These include the:
- Development of basal readers in electronic form,
- Development of digitized testing and quizzes to be integrated into the readers,
- Creation of instructional protocols that promote differentiated classroom literacy structures (DCLS) -- levelled reading groups in which children can gain confidence by reading at their own level and
- Commercial distribution of e-reader apps through the participation of KAPE’s social enterprise partner, Thun Thean Seksa (TTS). The availability of basal e-readers will be the key ingredient that animates DCLS protocols.
Target Population:
Students in Grades 2 and 3 in ten primary schools are the beneficiaries of this project. Each target school will manage 25 tablets with e-books that students can use, according to their reading level. Basal e-readers (Smart Books) will have interactive features, digitized testing capabilities, and will include multi-sensory presentations.
Key Activities:
- Content analysis of current Ministry readers
- Develop readability guidelines to facilitate basal reader development
- Develop basal readers in electronic form
- Develop reading benchmarks for Grade 3 to facilitate the development of digitized tests
. - Develop Differentiated Classroom Literacy Structure (DCLS) protocols
- Train teachers to use differentiated classroom literacy structure (DCLS)
- Conduct the rigorous baseline and endline assessments of impacts on reading comprehension though electronic EGRA (Tangerine software) testing
Marketing of the basal e-reader apps will be undertaken through KAPE’s partnership with TTS.
Our Program Partners
The E4K project is funded by All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD) Round 2 with co-funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Vision and the Australian Agency for International Development (DFAT) for a project period of 31 months.
Primary Schools
High Schools
Higher Education Institutions