Date : 2021-09-10
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Bunrany Hun Sen Kantuol Primary School, which is one of HCC’s targeted schools, locates in Kantuot village, Rom Chek commune, Memot district, Tbaung Khmum province. It takes 65 kilometers from the provincial town and 39 kilometers from the District Office of Education to reach the school. There are 2,821 people in four villages, which are covered by the school, consists of 922 families who are the most farmers. The 8% of them are poor and 5% migrate to other places for work.


Bunrany Hun Sen Primary School was constructed in 1997 with 6 classrooms and had opened its doors until 2014 as the year that Japanese generous donors helped constructed another building with 2 classrooms.


The school situation before Happy Cambodian Children (HCC) project intervention, Bunrany Hun Sen Kantuot primary school challenged a lot of difficulties including shortages of buildings, preschool classes, the buildings, by that time, were dilapidated, no good infrastructure (unusable toilet), lacking of materials (such as tables, blackboards and chairs). The school could not solve those problems because they cost more expensive than the school had. However, the school director tried to seek support from his higher aligned management departments but the feedback was so slow. The generous individuals in the community could also not have possibilities and abilities to help school solve those problems.


The school situation has increasingly changed after the intervention of Happy Cambodian Children (HCC) project since 2019. Mr. San Kong, Director of Bunrany Hun Sen Kantuot Primary School, said, “It is not easy to seek support from outside donors because we have to be highly committed, dedicated our time and energy to lead the school development. We need to have good relationship with the authorities and stakeholders. I am very happy with the help of the HCC project because it has changed the face of my school such as renovating two old buildings with eight classrooms, construct a new preschool building with 2 rooms and 1 toilet with 2 rooms, repairing tables and chairs, especially the project provided additional learning materials.​ After attending the trainings on School Management and Leadership, I have gained experiences from the project and made my attitude change in managing and leading my school including improving infrastructure, installing animal sculptures, preparing learning activities for children and locally raising funds. I have recently completed the 105-meter school fence construction which was actively joined by the local communities, authorities and stakeholders.”


The Happy Cambodian Children project or called HCC has provided short and long training courses for both state teachers and contracted teachers in order to build strong human resources to ensure that teachers have sufficient capacity to creatively teach students. In addition, the project has helped to further develop Bunrany Hun Sen Kantuot Primary School in terms of classroom decoration, learning material production techniques, reading tests, professional performance and changing attitudes of teaching students.


The teachers now come to teach regularly, make students happy, enjoy studying and come to school regularly. The school environment is creatively prepared and decorated to attract students, especially attracting communities to actively involve in school development affairs. The development achievement presentations of the school director and SMC to parents, authorities and the community encourages them to monitor their children's studies. The school has changed good environment, quality of education and student attitudes.


Mr. Toun Khun Leng, Chairman of the School Management Committee, said, “I am excited that Happy Cambodian children project comes and helps develop my school. The project has provided trainings on the roles and responsibilities of the School Management Committee (SMC) how to organize the committee election, especially the way to disseminate information of the children's study results and school development affairs to and get feedback from parents. I now understand the importance of educating children more strongly and working closely with the school director to monitor the teachers’ teaching activities and students' learning activities. I would like the HCC project to provide more learning materials, training courses and continue to support my school.”


On the other hand, for preschool, the director and the school management committee host regular meetings with parents to promote school activities and student outcomes, despite the disruption of the Covid-19 epidemic. The director has used Online platform systems for teachers to teach students, provided information and communication with parents and the community.


Under their leadership, Mr. Sorn Kong with technical support from the HCC project, Bun Rany Hun Sen Kantout Primary School has positively changed its face, teachers’ and students’ attitudes, clean environment, many kinds of teaching materials, complete school buildings, outreach meetings for parents, has good cooperation with stakeholders, authorities and teachers. The school has been developed based on its management levels’ and teachers’ strong willingness and vision to provide their children with quality of education.


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Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





