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The IDEAL project conducted a school visit at its 12 target schools

Date : 2024-07-12
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In early July 2024, Improved Digital Education for All Learners, called IDEAL, was conducting a school visit at its 12 target schools in Kandal province and Phnom Penh, including five primary schools and four secondary schools and 3 high schools.


The school visit was designed to study the actual situation of the 12 target schools, the progress, challenges and needs, especially the study of the libraries and computer laps, which the project will be renovating and installing modern furniture, Tablets and computers to make it easier for students to access digital education.


The 12 target schools would receive Laptops, computer labs, tablets, LED projectors, smart TVs and 21st century library renovations. As a project implementation partner, KAPE will provide ICT and digital literacy training for teachers and school administrators using existing digital literacy curricula such as the Khmer Digital Literacy Training (KDLP) (developed by Meta (Facebook)). Training manual on digital media, information and digital literacy (supported by UNESCO) and other documents from the New Generation School Initiative (NGS).


The leaders and teachers of the 12 schools showed their smooth cooperation in implementing KAPE’s IDEAL project, funded by ChildFund Korea for 3 years, which starts from January 2024 until December 2026.


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Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





