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The orientation entitled out-of-school children with collecting campaign

Date : 2024-01-29
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Easy2learn (E2L) project focuses on improving access and retention of eligible primary school-aged girls and boys with and without disabled people in target schools.


To gain more enrollment at the target school, the E2L project hosted an orientation entitled out-of-school children with a collecting campaign with school directors, and teachers to collect children to access education and organize house mapping to seek the school-aged girls and boys to school.  


The participants would receive essential knowledge including how to address school-age children, children struggling, vulnerable and poor children, domestic and family violence, awareness back to school campaigns, perceive roles and tasks, especially make more engagement and collaboration from the communities and stakeholders. Therefore, the process of sending children to school will increase after parents are aware of the value of education. 


The challenges that cause the student to drop out of school such as family status is poor, home stays far away from school, the children being busy taking care of cows and farms, and the parents immigrating. 


As a result, the school directors and local authorities will disseminate in the community widely to make sure that the parents who have school-aged children get enough information to bring their children to enrollment on time. 




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





