Current Projects
Educate A Child (EAC) Project
Project Description:
The EAC Project is an alliance of 17 agencies funded by the Qatar Foundation and coordinated by Aide et Action. The project focuses primarily on promoting school access by out of school children across four groups:
- children with disabilities
- children from ethnic minority groups;
- poor rural children; and
- street children in urban areas.
KAPE’s role in this project is to focus on minority groups, mainly Chams and hill tribe communities in Kratie. The project has four key focus areas including:
- Equitable Access: Bringing OOSCs into the formal education system and keeping them enrolled.
- Quality and eficiency: Increasing the quality and relevance of education.
- Capacity development: developing the capacities of local actors to improve administration of schools.
- Research and advocacy: addressing structural factors in the education system that impede access, e.g. teacher shortages, schools with poor infrastructure.
Overall, school efficiency indicators have improved significantly in target areas. In this respect 566 Out-of-School Children were brought into the formal education system across target schools in the first year of program operation. This comprised 98% of the project target for the year.
Program Activities
- Construct temporary classrooms/assign community teachers to ensure teacher availability
- School campaign to promote enrollment of out of school children
- School mapping and scholarship support for out of school children
- Child-to-Child mentorship, focusing on children helping children
- Recruit and train Bilingual Classroom Assistants (BCA) from local minority communities
- Foundational Teacher Training to ensure that teachers have the required technical input to change their classroom practice
- Organize village-based remedial classes for children with special learning needs
- Life skills programming to make education relevant to local areas
- Leadership Training for Directors and Communities, to ensure that stakeholders have the necessary management skills to oversee grant funds effectively
- Community engagement meetings to identify OOSCs
- DTMTs monitor and report on school progress on a regular basis.
Target Group
Students in Grades 1 to 6 in 40 Primary Schools in 5 districts 2 provinces: Tbaung Khmum and Kratie.
EAC supported by
- Qatar Foundation
- Aide et Action (AeA)
Primary Schools
High Schools
Higher Education Institutions