News & Events

Reflection Workshop on Action Guide Menu of Gender Equality Responsiveness Education

Date : 2019-09-17
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Teaching the Improved Gender Equality and Responsiveness (TIGER) project hold its reflection workshop on Action Guide Menu of Gender Equality Responsiveness Education on 16 September 2019 at The Coconut House Restaurant. There were 18 participants from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Women's Affairs, District Offices of Education, Youth and Sport, Provincial Office of Education, Youth and Sport of Battambang, KAPE, VVOB, GADC and PKO. The purpose of this workshop is: (1) to present and review the update and results of the TIGER project implementation; (2) to discuss the results of the implementation of the Gender Equality Responsiveness Education Guidelines with the 20 target schools and Battambang Teacher Center and (3) to plan for approval to publishing this Action Guide Menu on Gender Equality Responsiveness Education. This menu is very beneficial for teachers to use nationwide after the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport reviews and approves. The TIGER project technical team, that included officials from the Ministry, has done the hard work to produce and improve this manu. The menu assignments have been put to pilot at target schools and receive constructive feedback from teachers and school directors. This Action Guide Menu is very soon to complete editing and revising to be finalized before TIGER team submit to the Ministry to approve to use at state schools through the country.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





